Splinter Cell (Sniper)
Genre: Stealth/Action
Developer: Gameloft
Publisher: Gameloft

Detailed sprites. Somewhat detailed sprites. ANY sprites. It's difficult to create graphics for a J2ME game, as even with the small sprite sizes, it's a sort of prerequisite that a java cellphone game not exceed a few hundred kilobytes in size. With this in mind, the J2ME magic Gameloft did with the Splinter Cell license is appreciable; sprites are detailed and have many frames of animation, the backgrounds are varied and colorful, yet gritty and realistic. Outstanding effort here.

Like most J2ME games, there is little to no sound in this title. In fact, the only three sound effects are when you knock out a baddie, die, or defeat a level. Interestingly however, Gameloft somehow managed to make monotone sounds convey a feeling; as an example, the little ditty that plays when you defeat a level gives the exact same impression as the short song that represents a conquered board in the console version.

The dilemma: keep the gameplay simple and somehow maintain the illusion that this is the console Splinter Cell title, except only in two dimensions. Gameloft achieved this balance marvelously; like the old Prince of Persia games, you can jump and hang from ledges. You can also sneak up behind a guard and snap their neck, as well as hide in shadows. The levels themselves are fabulous- short, and with a very nice balance between stealth, action, and platforming.

Splinter Cell is a wonderful J2ME game all around, especially at its $5-$6 USD pricepoint. I've played through it many times, and am still not sick of it. Along with Jamdat, Gameloft is quickly becoming a rising star in the mobile phone gaming arena. If they continue to make titles like this, they will rightfully take their place as one of the premier J2ME game manufacturers.

Sniper's verdict: